
Monday, 21 March 2011

The Great Yarn Diet

I have decided to confront the beast. I've sort of been on a yarn diet anyway, but I wasn't knitting all that much. Alas if you don't knit the wool doesn't go away. Or rather while you knit the surprise blanket of doom, the rest of the knitting doesn't magically happen. Huh. Funny that.

So I've started uploading my stash to ravelry, everything is going to be allocated a pattern, light relief from the blanket until its done, then I'm tackling a few bigger projects. There will be a lot of socks, there is a fair amount of ugly yarn, which I'm sure made perfect sense at the time. Man socks, dull but they use up a lot of yarn.

So no new yarn in the house, I'm not allowed to buy any and bloke can't buy me anything. I am allowed to give some things to the charity shop, because I'll never find a use for some of the yarn I own. I was gifted a lot of acrylic and I hate the way it feels. Squeaky.

I've finished the first project in the great yarn purge.

The pattern is Chunky Dean Street hat by Nina of Ninaknits. It was a super quick knit, but I look really stupid in hats. So its getting gifted. One skein down, many more to go.

Anyway I have grown up things to go do thing like clean. I'm apparently an adult.

Take care,
Minnie xoxo

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