
Tuesday, 28 January 2014

What's currently on my needles: Jumper redemption

For two years I pretty much ignored some of my knitting. Bloke wanted a jumper, I went on to ravelry and pulled up a selection of patterns - he picked one i wasn't wild about and man that grudging not fussed feeling soon grew to out right hate. Still for two years I'd occasionally pull it out, knit a few rows and then promptly banish it again.

Last week I hit my limit, I frogged the whole thing and cast on Fort. I'm in love, its seriously a pattern I'd consider knitting a couple of times if Bloke likes the finished product. I've been keeping track of my progress in my instagram account because I am a massive weirdo like that (see the photos in the left hand bar? That's what I'm talking about.) Still it's flying off the needles.

I've made a few adjustments, I didn't do the tubular cast on (I'm lazy, I opted for an alternating cable cast on if you're interested) and the body is goign to be a little longer to suit Bloke's proportions. He's over 6 foot tall but has wee short man legs and a long back. I can't wait to get this finished.

Anyone have any patterns they can't wait to cast on? I foresee a woolly void in my life when this is finished.

Minnie xoxo

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