
Monday 21 January 2013

A New Year

21 days into the new year and I finally post. Crazy. Its needed though. A few weeks to figure out what I want from 2013. Its a big year. Bloke and I are getting married in July. I turn 26 in September. For some reason 26 seems like a bit of a watershed. I don't know why. Weird huh?

Anyway what have I actually been up to?

Well Dad and A came to stay a lot which was really awesome! There was a lot of food and a lot of banter. 

That's my Dad, he had a beard before they were hipster cool. He doesn't understand hipsters but he likes their food. 

I've fallen in love with the display in the village carpet shop. 

I think she'd make a fetching end table. I jest! I'm just a bit taken with with the idea that I live in a world where life size plastic sheep are a thing. She is part of the campaign to buy british wool, which I heartily support. 

This is the only picture of the Christmas cake I got post feeding. It was too tasty. I didn't even manage to decorate it. Food blogger fail or win? 

I have had a few requests for whole cakes off people for next year, so I don't think icing was missed all that much by anyone. It was proper lush with some (dairy free alternative to) butter on. NOM. 

I got my flower girl her dress! it was on super duper sale. Hurrah for the sales!

I was not a fan of the weird beige/dark sand sash though. So some magic that involved scissors, my sewing machine and some ivory satin silk from my fabric stash resulted in this lovely transformation. 

And now I'm kind of obsessed with silk. Not really a practical or attainable obsession to have huh? 

So I'm distracting myself with some more of my stash and a lot of tulle because I have underpinnings to make! 

This is what 15 meters of tulle net and notions looks like. I'm still working on this one. 

So far I've made one layer of my underskirt. 

Its utterly huge and wonderful. 

And that's it, pictures wise anyway. I've done a lot of cooking and some of that will make its way to here I expect. My only real resolution has just to live life a bit better this year. 2012 was on the whole a good if turbulent year, so my aim is for 2013 to be just that little bit happier, more colourful and more friendly. 

I hope you've all had a bright and happy January!

Minnie xoxo


  1. You have a lot to look forward to this year! It looks like you're off to a great start already.

