
Tuesday, 31 December 2013


  1. Create more- more sewing, more knitting, more writing and maybe pick up some new skills? Give crochet another go. I only think it's magic. It can't be that hard surely?
  2. Be more social! Find a local craft group or look into joining the local SWRI. Be better at keeping game night a regular thing. Actually go to that local pub quiz Bloke's pal's been talking about. So on and so forth. 
  3. Send more snail mail! Every one loves receiving mail and it's a really personal way of keeping in touch with friends far and wide. 
  4. Speak Gàidhlig more often. It's good for me and it's far better for Bloke's progress learning if he's exposed to it as much as possible. (If you're interested the BBC has wonderful free resources for learners of all levels, but Beag air Bheag is the best for very beginners.)
  5. Cut down on the coffee intake. Drink more tea. Tea is lovely. 
I think new years resolutions should be things that make you happy or bring some serious positivity. The days are short and drab enough in January that there's really nothing to be gained from piling on any extra negativity. 

How about you?

Minnie xoxo

Sunday, 29 December 2013


Wow, the past two months have been crazy. Winding up the semester and getting ready for the holidays it's been pretty hectic. But I managed to get all my Christmas knitting done and then some. Granted my goals weren't particularly lofty. Still an achievement to be proud of.

The Christmas cake was a hit this year again. I covered it in lemon butter cream and royal icing. Tasty. As you can see my cake decorating was pretty minimalist but it's an upgrade from last year when the cake didn't survive long enough to be iced. Progress. (The coal is put on with an edible food safe pen, I have this one.)

We had planned to head up north to the islands to see family for Christmas  but the weather has been so wild the ferries haven't been running. We had a pretty awesome day all the same, Bloke made a MASSIVE roast beef dinner and we had a film marathon. And because Bloke is awesome he got me a new camera for Christmas so this should be the last post with crappy phone pictures. Well probably.

How was your holiday? Ready for the new year?

Minnie xoxo